Service Ministry

Event Director: DeDe Jacques

Purpose: The goal of the Service Ministry event is to recognize our youth who are consistently serving week after week or month after month in the same field of service or ministry.

Process: Each participant will work throughout the year in their chosen field of service or ministry. The church coordinator will make a record of this activity and submit a record of the participant’s work to the LTCSW Service Ministry event director, who will process the submission and assign an award.

Forms: (right click to open form in a new window) Pre-Convention Events Cover Sheet | Award Certification Form – Service Ministry | Special Needs or Concerns Form | Contact DeDe Jacques

Service Ministry Rules

Guidelines for Participating in Service Ministry:

Each participant will work throughout the year in a chosen area of service or ministry.
  • Each work of service or ministry will require consistency and time. The standard is a minimum of ONE HOUR PER WEEK per service or ministry. If a certain ministry takes less time (for example, providing refreshments or preparing communion for Sunday), please give it your all: be on time, set up, and clean up thoroughly, etc.
  • If a certain project is extended beyond the minimum guidelines, it still counts as one project and cannot be recorded as a separate project or lengthier award. For example: if you babysit 4 hours/week for a family in need for a total of 7 months, this activity would not count as a longer commitment due to double time. It’s still a 7 month commitment.
  • Award guidelines are listed as they will pertain in future years with the knowledge of this new event.
  • The local church coordinator must sign the award certification form to verify that each project complies with the Service Ministry guidelines.


Award Requirements:

Service Ministry is not a judged event. Awards to participants will be given according to the following criteria.

  • Grades 3-6
    1. Gold: 1 ministry done weekly for a minimum of 5 months, or 2 ministries for 3 months each
    2. Silver: 1 ministry done twice monthly for a minimum of 7 months, or 2 for 4 months each
    3. Bronze: 1 ministry done monthly for a minimum of 9 months, or 2 for 5 months each
  • Grades 7-9
    1. Gold: 1 ministry done weekly for a minimum of 7 months, or 2 ministries for 4 months each
    2. Silver: 1 ministry done twice monthly for a minimum of 9 months, or 2 for 5 months each
    3. Bronze: 1 ministry done monthly for a minimum of 11 months, or 2 for 6 months each
  • Grades 10-12
    1. Gold: 1 ministry done weekly for a minimum of 9 months, or 2 ministries for 5 months each
    2. Silver: 1 ministry done twice monthly for a minimum of 11 months, or 2 for 6 months each
    3. Bronze: 1 ministry done monthly for a minimum of 12 months, or 2 for 7 months each
  • Participants are allowed breaks in their service. If it’s easier, use the following values to help calculate for which award they qualify:
    1. 3 months = 13 times of service
    2. 4 months = 17 times
    3. 5 months = 22 times
    4. 6 months = 26 times
    5. 7 months = 30 times
    6. 9 months = 39 times
    7. 11 months = 48 times.


Submission Protocol:

Submissions of Service Ministry entries should follow these guidelines.

  • Service Ministry entries should be submitted to the Service Ministry event director.
  • Submissions can be made via the REGISTRATION page uplink, or by email/postal mail to the event director.
  • Click on the event director’s name posted at the top of this page, or visit the CONTACT US page, for information on how to submit materials to the event director.
  • Submissions must include a Pre-Convention Cover Sheet (listing all Service Ministry participants from the church) and a copy of the Service Ministry Award Certification Form for each participant from the church registered in the event.
  • All required materials must be submitted on or before the pre-convention submissions deadline (postal submissions must be post-marked on or before this date).
  • Do not send entries in a manner that require signature receipt.
  • The event coordinator will send confirmation of receipt of the submission to the church coordinator.
  • If applicable to the participant(s), a LTCSW Special Needs or Concerns Form should be submitted to the LTCSW Special Needs Coordinator by the registration deadline.



Select from these suggested service projects and activities.

  1. Write and mail or deliver a minimum of 3 sympathy, thinking of you, or birthday cards to appropriate individuals and families in your church or as an out reach from church.
  2. Deliver cards, communion, meals or goody-baskets to shut-ins, elderly, sick, etc.
  3. Spend a minimum of 1 hour picking up trash within your community.
  4. Organize a clothing drive and donate to an organization that will distribute to needy families.
  5. Help a shut-in (non-family) from your local church or in your community with chores at their home.  (Rake leaves, mow lawn, shovel snow, pull weeds, wash dishes, etc.)
  6. Prepare and deliver food to a minimum of 1 family who need help. (Hospital, sick, death, etc.)
  7. Visit a local nursing home and spend a minimum of 1 hour performing (singing, etc.) or spending time with the residents.
  8. Help serve a minimum of 1 time in a Food Kitchen (or Feed My Starving Children).
  9. Baby-sit free of charge for a minimum of 2 hours (non-family).
  10. Participate for a minimum of 1 hour in an “adopt a highway” or a “clean the beach” program.
  11. Volunteer a minimum of 1 hour to help church outreach programs.
  12. Volunteer with an after school program at a school.
  13. Volunteer at an animal rescue for a minimum of 1 hour.
  14. Serve consistently in any ministry in church (AV, nursery, office work, preparing communion, cleaning, welcome, preparing refreshments, etc.)
  15. Other—Create your own—approved by the local Church Coordinator. (With a minimum of 1 hour of service)