
Guidelines for Participating in Scrapbook:

A team consisting of from one to six participants will create a digital, handmade, or hybrid scrapbook. The following guidelines must be followed.

  • Each scrapbook will:
    1. Include events and activities beginning with the previous year’s LTCSW convention, or include events and activities from the previous calendar year.
    2. Represent a congregation’s history, which may include events and activities related to individual members as well as group and congregational activities, or represent a personal history, which will include various aspects of an individual’s life including their spiritual activities.
    3. Include LTCSW events and activities and service related work. Example: Service Challenge or other community related service.
  • Participants may be on only one scrapbook team.
  • An experienced participant may oversee the work of another scrapbook team as part of their leadership activities AND participate in a separate team themselves. The mentor participant is not an official member of the other team and may not create pages in the mentees’ team scrapbook. Documentation of their mentorship may be used as content in their team’s scrapbook.
  • Scrapbooks are judged based on the grade level of the oldest participant.
  • Required Standards:
    1. Scrapbook pages must be at least 8×8 and no larger than 12×12.
    2. The following information must be on the first page of each scrapbook: congregation name, team number, and each participant’s name, grade, and LTCSW ID.
    3. Minimum of 10 pages. Documentation of events and activities are not limited to one page.
  • Materials:
    1. Heavyweight paper, cardstock, or page protectors should be used to ensure the scrapbook can withstand handling at the convention and over time.
    2. Use of construction paper will result in deductions.
    3. Glitter is forbidden due to shedding. Non-shedding glitter or shimmer items may be used. If it transfers in any way onto fingers when touched, there will be deductions.
    4. Stamps, stickers, tags, cutouts, die cuts, drawings, and other purchased or hand-made embellishments are all acceptable.
    5. All photos and embellishments must be firmly affixed to ensure the scrapbook can withstand handling at the Convention and over time.

Guidelines related to Content

  • Each scrapbook should include a variety of personal and congregational events and activities, not just youth events.
  • Scrapbooks overall should show or narrate a sense of growth for the individual or group within the year being documented.
  • It is not necessary to have a photo of an event or activity to include it in the scrapbook, an artistic page of journaling is sufficient.
  • Journaling: A description of the event or activity and the names of those pictured (when possible) is required. Journaling is not limited to factual details, it can include the “why” for an event or activity and/or describe the emotions or lesson of an event or activity.
    1. Journaling must be well written and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
    2. Journaling must be neat, legible, large enough to be read easily, and clearly presented.
    3. Journaling may be computer-generated or hand-written. If hand-written, a fine or medium point pen or marker should be used for readability. Use of crayon or wide-point pen/marker will result in deductions.
    4. Journaling may be in another language if an English translation is included for judging purposes.
  • Creativity/Artistry:
    1. Each page in the scrapbook must be individually designed by the participants themselves.
    2. The arrangement of pictures, journaling and embellishments on each page is interesting and visually appealing.
    3. The pages are complementary or coordinate so that the scrapbook as a whole is cohesive and presents as one piece of work.
    4. The pages present a balance of white space, photos, and journaling.

Judging Criteria:

Scrapbook entries will be evaluated by three judges.

  • The judging criteria for Scrapbook includes:
    1. (15 Points) Required Standards
    2. (15 Points) Materials
    3. (15 Points) Content
    4. (30 Points) Journaling
    5. (25 Points) Creativity/Artistry
  • Each participant’s work must be evaluated by an adult from their congregation who will complete a judging form to be turned in with the entry.
  • An award rating will be assigned based on the point average among the three judges.
  • As a general rule, awards will be assigned accordingly: GOLD, 95-100 points; SILVER, 85-94 points; BRONZE, 70-84 points; and NO AWARD, 0-69 points.
  • The event director reserves the discretion to assign the final award.

Submission Protocol:

Completed Scrapbook projects will be displayed and evaluated at the LTCSW Convention. Submission must follow this protocol.

  • All Scrapbook entries must be delivered to the event director in the Art room at the convention area between 12:00 p.m. Noon and 5:00 p.m. on Friday of convention.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by a team form (goldenrod sheet given in the congregation box at registration) and one completed judge’s form.
  • All artwork must be picked up between by the conclusion of Celebration.