Live Modern Christian Drama

Guidelines for Participating in Live Modern Christian Drama:

An individual or a team of participants will produce and perform a drama that communicates in some way the current LTCSW theme.

  • A drama team may include participants from any grade level or more than one grade category; however, the drama will be judged at the level of the oldest participant. EXCEPTION: A participant may serve as director or writer in a younger grade category without affecting the grade category placement of the team.
  • Participants may be part of only one entry. EXCEPTION: An older participant who serves as writer or director in a younger category may also participate at his/her own grade level.
  • The drama will be a modern life application of a Christian truth that clearly illustrates the current LTCSW theme. It may be a drama, a comedy or a parody. This is not Bible story re-enactment.
  • Participants may perform with a team or in a monologue.
  • You will perform in an area approximately 32’ X 16’. Please stay within this limit when staging your drama. 
  • No one will be allowed to enter or leave the room while participants are performing.
  • No flash photography. Video taping is allowed; however, video equipment must be set up prior to the event. Please be courteous of spectators while filming.
  • Adult directors are allowed.
  • Participant directors are encouraged. If a participant directs, his/her name is included on the Team Form with the words “DIRECTOR”.
  • An older participant may choose to serve as the director in another grade category. An older participant’s participation as director will not affect the grade category placement of the team. Please include the words “DIRECTOR” after his/her name on the team form.

Guidelines for the Script

  • The script must clearly represent the current LTCSW theme.
  • Scripts may be original or published. Original scripts may be written by an adult, an older participant, or one or more of the participants. NOTE: The grade level of the older participant writer will not affect the grade category placement of the team. Please include the word “WRITER” after his/her name on the team form.
  • NOTE:  If you choose a play or excerpt from a play that is covered by royalties, please be sure you pay the performance royalty or obtain permission from the publisher before performing the play at LTCSW. If your play is performed at the closing ceremonies, you will also be responsible for paying the royalties on that performance.
  • Scripts may be dramas, comedies, or parodies; however, scripts must be one play, not a compilation of several short skits.
  • Minimum length of performance is four minutes. Maximum total time including take down is eight minutes.
  • You will be allowed to preset your stage.

Guidelines for Sets/Props/Costumes/Make-up

  • Teams are encouraged to use sets, props, costumes, and make-up to enhance the play. Each prop must be clearly marked with the name of the team’s congregation. For safety purposes, props are not allowed on the escalator. The elevator standard size is a 36″ door, 68″ x 51″ and 84″ tall. A minimal usage of props is suggested.
  • Adults may assist with set construction, however, LTCSW participants are encouraged to do as much of the construction as possible.
  • If a participant does not perform, but does help with set construction/set-up and take-down, props, costumes, or make-up, his/her name should be included on the Team Form with the words “Tech Crew.”
  • Adults may help move sets and props to the stage, however, actual take-down during timed sequence must be done by actors and/or tech crew.
  • Adults may assist with lighting and/or sound effects but we encourage you to use LTCSW participants as much as possible.
  • In keeping with LTCSW guidelines, shorts, thin strapped tops, or tops baring the midriff may not be worn. Participants wearing shorts, thin strapped tops, or tops baring the midriff will not be allowed to perform or serve as tech crew. Costumes must be modest and appropriate.  Immodest or inappropriate costumes will result in a penalty.
  • Provide for storage of costumes, sets, and lighting.  No storage will be available on site.
  • Teams may use pre-recorded music and/or sound effects, but are responsible for providing their own playback media, including amplifiers and/or speakers (if desired); use of hotel or LTCSW equipment is not permitted.
  • Teams wishing to use strobe lighting effects during their performance MUST inform the event director prior to the start of their performance so that notice can be given to the audience. Failure to inform the Event Director may result in the performance being stopped part-way through.

Guidelines for Performance

  • Each team will have eight minutes to perform and exit the staging area. This includes taking down any lighting or prop requirements as well as performance. The play, itself, must be a minimum of four minutes. The maximum, including take-down, and performance must not exceed eight minutes.
  • Sets and props will be “lined up” outside the staging area. Teams may move sets onto the stage when directed by the event director. Timing will commence at “Action”.
  • Team Captains will announce “Action” after sets are in place and the team is ready to begin the play. They will announce “Stage Clear” when all props and sets are removed. Completion times will be recorded after “Stage Clear” is announced.
  • Chewing gum on stage is not allowed unless expressly required by the character being portrayed. A penalty will be assessed for any actor chewing gum, unless expressly required by the character.


Judging Criteria:

Live Modern Christian Drama teams will be evaluated at the LTCSW Convention by three judges.

  • Performances will be evaluated using using a 100-point scoring system.
    1. (40 pts) SCRIPT:
      • (10 pts) Adherence to current theme – Is the theme illustrated clearly?
      • (10 pts) Clarity of principle dramatized – Is the principle being dramatized easily understood and appropriate to the age level performing?
      • (10 pts) Creativity – Is the script well written and imaginative?
      • (10 pts) Effectiveness – How did the audience respond?
    2. (40 pts) ACTORS:
      • (15 pts) Diction/Projection – Is the dialogue spoken clearly and do the voices project well?
      • (15 pts) Characterization/Poise – Do the actors make the characters they portray come alive? Do they stay in character? Do the actors seem lost for direction or are they comfortable on the stage? Are lines memorized and do they flow easily?
      • (10 pts) Interaction/Staging – How well do the actors interact and react to one another? Does the movement appear to be purposeful? Is anyone upstaging other actors? Is there unnecessary noise or talking by actors or tech crew?
    3. (10 pts) SET DESIGN:
      • (5 pts) Appropriateness, Authenticity, Creativity -Do sets enhance or detract from the overall play? Is there creative use of the space provided?
      • (5 pts) Props – Are props consistent and appropriate for the time period being depicted? If one actor is using props, it would be inappropriate for the other actors to pantomime.
    4. (10 pts) COSTUMES: Appropriateness/Creativity – Are costumes appropriate for the character being portrayed? Do they fit the time period being depicted?
    5. Appropriately, a FIVE (5) POINT penalty deductions will be assessed for each minute over 8 minute maximum time, for chewing gum, and for costumes that are immodest/inappropriate.
  • An award rating will be assigned based on the point average among the three judges.
  • As a general rule, awards will be assigned accordingly: GOLD, 95-100 points; SILVER, 85-94 points; BRONZE, 70-84 points; and NO AWARD, 0-69 points.
  • The event director reserves the discretion to assign the final award.