Leadership Challenge

Event Director: DeDe Jacques

Purpose: This event inspires older youth to actively mentor younger youth.

Process: The participant will guide younger participants in their training for the LTCSW convention, or will show leadership by working with younger participants in a particular event or discipline on an ongoing basis. This mentoring will be documented by the church coordinator and sent to the event director who will process the achievement for an award.

Forms & Links: (right click to open form in a new window) Award Certification Form – Leadership Challenge | Special Needs or Concerns Form

Leadership Challenge Rules

Guidelines for Participating in Leadership Challenge:

Each participant will guide younger participants in their training for the LTCSW convention, or will show leadership by working with younger participants in a particular event or discipline on an ongoing basis.

  • This event is open to participants in the seventh (7) through twelfth (12) grades.
  • The participant may either work with participants in more than one event, or for a designated number of hours. The number of events or number of hours will determine the award received.
  • The participant will coach or co-coach a team event or three (3) individuals preparing for an individual event.
  • The participant may work with an adult, but the participant must take a leadership role in the training.
  • No more than two (2) participants may work together with one team.
  • The participant will work under the guidance of the church coordinator who will certify completion of this event. The church coordinator may further define these requirements for their local congregation, as long as all written requirements are met as defined in these rules. The participant, however, is in charge of obtaining rules for the event(s) being led and implementing them.
  • All written requirements listed here must be met by the beginning of the LTCSW convention.
  • Each participant will complete all requirements by the beginning of the LTCSW convention.


Award Requirements:

Bible Class Teaching is not a judged event.

  • Awards to participants will be given according to the following criteria.
    1. Gold Rating: 15 hours of mentoring, or 3 different events being led
    2. Silver Rating: 10 hours of mentoring, or 2 different events being led
    3. Bronze Rating: 7 hours of mentoring, or 1 event being led
  • Failure to submit the Leadership Challenge Submission Form as outlined above will result in a reduced award rating being given.


Submission Protocol:

Submissions for Leadership Challenge are to be presented at the LTCSW Convention.

  • Each church coordinator will submit all Leadership Challenge entries at the convention by delivering one Leadership Challenge Award Certification Form per enrolled participant to the registration table by 6:30 pm on Friday of the LTCSW convention.