Event Director: Stephanie Deaver
Purpose: The Bulletin Board event is intended to help young people develop the ability to use creative ideas and techniques to visually communicate a thought or theme.
Process: Each participant or team of participants will design and create a bulletin board that visually communicates the LTCSW theme. The church coordinator will send a photograph of the finished bulletin board to the LTCSW Bulletin Board event coordinator, who will arrange judging and assign an award.
Forms & Links: (right click to open form in a new window) Pre-Convention Events Cover Sheet | Judges Form – Bulletin Board | Special Needs or Concerns Form
Bulletin Board Rules
Guidelines for Participating in Bulletin Board:
Individually, or as a team of up to six members, participants will design and create a bulletin board, according to these guidelines. A photo of the finished bulletin board must be sent to the Bulletin Board Event Director by the Church Coordinator.
- The bulletin board should visually and/or textually communicate the LTCSW theme.
- The bulletin board should be posted for viewing somewhere in the church building.
- Each bulletin board should display appropriate quality of workmanship based on the grade category of the participants.
- A bulletin board may be presented in a foreign language, but an English translation must be provided with the submission to the Bulletin Board event director.
- Lettering used on the bulletin board should be clearly visible and readable from a distance.
- Churches may submit one bulletin board for every six participants in a grade category. Multiple boards may be submitted in a grade category, if there are more than six participants in that grade category. Bulletin boards will be evaluated according to the grade level of the oldest participant on the team.
Judging Criteria:
Each bulletin board will be evaluated by three judges.
- Each judge shall use the following evaluation criteria.
- (15 Points) How well does the bulletin board TEXTUALLY depict the current LTCSW Theme?
- (20 Points) How well does the bulletin board VISUALLY depict the current LTCSW Theme?
- (10 Points) How well does the bulletin board show creativity in the display of TEXT?
- (10 Points) How well does the bulletin board show creativity in the display of VISUALS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the bulletin board for VISUAL NEATNESS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the bulletin board for use of TEXTURE AND ATTRACTIVE MATERIALS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the bulletin board for use and BLENDING OF COLOR?
- (10 Points) Is the quality of workmanship age/grade appropriate?
- (15 Points) What is the overall impact of the board?
- (5 Points) A photo of the bulletin board displayed in the church building or at a congregational event was included.
- An award will be assigned based on the point average of the three judge’s evaluations, with the final award decision made by the Bulletin Board event director.
- As a general rule, awards will should assigned accordingly: GOLD, 95-100 points; SILVER, 85-94 points; BRONZE, 70-84 points; and NO AWARD, 0-69 points.
- The Event Director reserves the discretion to assign the final award.
- Each submission of a bulletin board MUST include ONE completed Judge’s Form.
Submission Protocol:
Submissions of finished Bulletin Board entries should follow these guidelines.
- Submissions for Bulletin Board must be sent via postal mail to Stephanie Deaver. Her address is posted on our registration site, at the bottom of the lefthand column, under “Important Addresses & Contacts.”
- Submissions must include a Pre-Convention Events Cover Sheet (listing all participants from the church in this event).
- Submissions must include a 5×7 photograph of the bulletin board. The mailed photo will be displayed at the convention.
- One completed judging form must be submitted with each bulletin board entrant. If you can provide TWO completed judging forms, please do.
- All required materials must be submitted on or before the pre-convention submissions deadline. Postal submissions must be post-marked on or before this date.
- Do not send entries in a manner that require signature receipt.
- The event coordinator will send confirmation of receipt of the submission to the church coordinator.
- If applicable to the participant(s), a LTCSW Special Needs or Concerns Form should be submitted to the LTCSW Special Needs Coordinator by the registration deadline.