Event Director: Roddy Rogers
Purpose: Bible Reading Pre-Convention is an event for boys or girls in grades three thru twelve. The event involves the reading of Scripture in front of an audience for the purpose of developing public reading skills.
Process: Each participant will select and present readings from the Bible in public settings, in accordance with the guidelines given below. The reading will be judged according to the criteria given below. The church coordinator should keep a written record of the readings, recruiting judges to critique the readings, supplying them with the appropriate judging forms, determining the award given to the participant, and submitting the participant’s record to the Bible Reading Pre-Convention event coordinator. The event coordinator will process the submissions.
Forms & Links: (right click to open form in a new window) Pre-Convention Events Cover Sheet | Award Certification Form – Bible Reading Pre-Convention | Special Needs or Concerns Form
Bible Reading Pre-Convention Rules
Guidelines for Participating in Bible Reading Pre-Convention:
Each youth participant will present Bible readings in a public setting, such as a worship assembly, Bible class, small group, devotional, or some similar setting. The following criteria should be followed.
- Participants in grades 3-12 may register for Bible Reading Pre-Convention.
- The attendance of the gathering where a reading(s) is given is not important, but readings must be made in front of at least two adults who can provide meaningful critique and judge the skill employed.
- Multiple readings can be presented at the same setting.
- Readings can be selected and/or assigned (by the coordinator or worship leaders of the assembly) from any book(s) of the Bible.
- Readings MUST be from a standard Bible Version, including, but not limited to, New International Version, English Standard Version, New American Standard Bible, New King James Version, New Revised Standard Version, New Living Translation, Christian Standard Bible, and King James Bible. Paraphrases of Scripture, such as The Message and Living Bible, should be avoided.
- Readings MUST be given in English, but a dual-language reading is allowable, where an English reading is given in concert with a reading in another language. If the reader chooses to give a dual-reading, he/she must announce this in his/her introduction, identifying the second language that will be used.
- A brief introduction is REQUIRED as the participant begins his/her reading. This introduction MUST include the version of the Bible being used and the book, chapter, and verses being read. OPTIONALLY, the participant may also set the reading in context by identifying the speaker (if the passage includes dialogue) and the occasion and/or setting from which the passage originates.
- In the Bible Reading at Convention event, a time limit of one minute to two minutes is given for readings. For the Bible Reading Pre-Convention event there is NOT a time limit given to readings, only such time as is appropriate for the public setting where the reading is delivered (and this determination is subjective).
- The participant is NOT expected to provide an explanation or commentary of the passage that is read. A brief introduction is required, and commentary can be given if the participant so desires, HOWEVER participants should place the major emphasis on the actual Bible reading and not on prepared statements.
- Participants should speak loudly, clearly, and expressively.
- Memorization is neither required nor encouraged. The ability to read the passage is what is being judged.
- Students may read from the Bible in print or from electronic devices, including smart phones and tablets. Participants may read from photo-copies of the passage, but this is not encouraged. A working familiarity with the Bible is a part of the intended purpose of this event.
- Each reading that is given MUST be from a different passage.
- For a GOLD rating, the participant needs to present at least SIX (6) public readings. For a SILVER rating, the participant needs to present at least FOUR (4) public readings. For a BRONZE rating, the participant needs to present at least TWO (2) public readings.
Judging Criteria:
At least ONE adult should hear each reading and provide a critique. This evaluation should be reflected on the Bible Reading Pre-Convention Award Certification Form.
- Judges will use the following criteria as he/she evaluates the reader. For each category the judge will determine EXCEPTIONAL, GOOD, or FAIR.
- Appearance & Poise: including the participant’s dress, posture and composure.
- Delivery: including voice volume, enunciation/articulation, gestures and eye contact.
- Content: including communicating the passage with conviction, the introduction given to the passage, and the coherency of the verses chosen–in other words, does the reading flow logically and have a clear beginning and ending?
- Intangibles: which are entirely subjective (as the French say, je ne sais quoi, “a pleasant quality that is hard to describe”).
- Judges are asked to also provide written comments on the judge’s forms. These comments are intended to be a positive affirmation of the youth participants and to offer helpful advice for continued growth in the discipline of public Bible reading.
- Additional judges evaluations are welcome for each reading. The Award Certification Form has a second sheet where multiple evaluations per reading can be accommodated.
- For a GOLD rating, the participant needs to present at least SIX (6) public readings. For a SILVER rating, the participant needs to present at least FOUR (4) public readings. For a BRONZE rating, the participant needs to present at least TWO (2) public readings.
Submission Protocol:
Submissions of finished Bible Reading Pre-Convention entries should follow these guidelines.
- Submissions must include a Pre-Convention Events Cover Sheet (listing all participants from the church in this event) and a Bible Reading Pre-Convention Award Certification Form for each participant in the event.
- The Award Certification Form includes a page two that can be used as needed. Number the extra pages accordingly.
- Click on the event director’s name posted at the top of this page, or visit the CONTACT US page, for information on how to submit materials to the event director.
- All required materials must be submitted on or before the pre-convention submissions deadline (postal submissions must be post-marked on or before this date).
- Do not send entries in a manner that require signature receipt.
- The event coordinator will send confirmation of receipt of the submission to the church coordinator.
- If applicable to the participant(s), a LTCSW Special Needs or Concerns Form should be submitted to the LTCSW Special Needs Coordinator by the registration deadline.