Christian Art – Alternative

Event Director: Beth Dennison

Purpose: The Alternative Christian Art event was developed to help young people communicate their faith and beliefs through non-traditional forms of art, including, comic books, mixed media/collages, sewing, quilts/afghans, computer generated art, and dioramas. This is an event for individuals and teams (quilt/afghan).

Process: Participants will create a work of art, chosen from among the non-traditional forms of art, including, comic books, mixed media/collages, sewing, quilts/afghans, computer generated art, and dioramas. Entries should make a clear point and should visually represent the current year’s LTCSW theme. The artwork will be displayed and judged at the convention, with the event director receiving entries, coordinating displays, judging, and the assigning of awards.

Forms & Links: (right click to open form in a new window) Judge’s Form – Christian Art Alternative | Special Needs or Concerns Form

Christian Art – Alternative Rules

Guidelines for Participating in Christian Art – Alternative:

Participants will create a work of art chosen from among the non-traditional forms of art, including, comic books, mixed media/collages, sewing, quilts/afghans, computer generated art, and dioramas that expresses or interprets the LTCSW theme. A participant may submit only one piece of artwork for display and judging at the LTCSW convention. The guidelines given below must be followed.

  • Adult assistance shall be limited to advice and supervision.
  • The participant(s) submitting the artwork shall be the sole artist(s) of that entry.
  • The project must be an original artwork of art. Copying or tracing someone else’s work, even with permission from the original artist or author, is not acceptable. The judges and event director reserve the right to penalize or disqualify a project that is suspected to not be an original artwork.
  • Most types of Alternative Art projects must be completed individually (not a team). There is one exceptions: the large sewing projects, a quilt or afghan, may be completed by an individual participant or a team of up to 6 participants. A student may participate on one team project (quilt/afghan) as well as one individual Alternative Art project.
  • There is no limit on the number of teams from each congregation that submit quilt/afghan projects.
  • All entries must interpret the current year’s LTCSW theme.
  • Identification: Attach to the back of the entry (the bottom of sculpture entries) one 3X5 index card, containing the following information: participant’s name(s), LTCSW identification number (or team number, as the case may be), grade(s), name of the congregation, and artistic category (sculpture, photography, painting & drawing, or design. Also include the scripture used for inspiration from the LTCSW theme. The Scripture should be written out completely and not merely referenced.
  • Please provide one completed judging form per art entry.
  • Points will be deducted for not following these rules.

General guidelines for all Alternative Art projects

  • Presentation: No special lighting is permitted. Specific types of projects have other presentation requirements and guidelines.
  • Materials: Glitter may not be used, as it is against hotel policy. Other than this, the use of materials is not restricted with the understanding that all projects must be in good taste. The event director reserves the right to make final decision on evaluating and displaying the entry.
  • Abstract: If the entry appears abstract, then please provide an explanation of the artwork. This may be written on an index card and submitted with your artwork. This will help the volunteers evaluate the project better.
  • Special note about computer-generated elements in artwork: Alternative Art projects may include computer-generated elements. However, the artwork or element must be original (not a copy of someone else’s work). Elements or artwork that is copied is essentially plagiarism. The following guidelines may be useful as students try to determine if their computer-generated elements are acceptable. (If you have questions, please contact the Event Director.)
    1. Computer generated art is generally created in programs such as Paint, Publisher, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. Programs such as these allow a person to create their own artwork.
    2. The computer-generated elements or artwork cannot be slightly altered versions of clip art or a photograph (or other image) copied from an internet source. The only exception to this is if the student actually drew the clip art as an original piece of art or if the photograph (or image) was originally taken (or drawn) by the student.
    3. Example: Finding a picture of a dog on the internet and slightly altering it (such as putting funny eyes on it) is not acceptable as artwork. In order for something like this to be acceptable, the photograph of The dog must be altered so much that it bears no resemblance to the original image.

Guidelines for Computer-Generated Art

  • All the general guidelines earlier in this document apply to Computer-Generated Art, except where noted.
  • Project Description:
    1. Size: The project, including frame, must be no larger than 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are acceptable. (Note that frames are often advertised with the inside dimension. A frame advertised as 16 x 20 inches may actually have an outside dimension that is larger, and therefore too large for this event.)
    2. Presentation: Project must be framed or matted. It must be self-supporting by an easel, frame, stand, or other means.
    3. Originality: The project must be the student’s original artwork. (See general guidelines about originality and computer-generated elements.) Designs must be created by the student.
    4. Identification: One 3×5 index card must accompany the project. (See general guidelines about identification.)
    5. Theme: The project must interpret, display, or depict the current LTCSW theme.
    6. Color or black/white: Project may be submitted in color or black-and-white. Each entry will be evaluated upon its own merit, regardless of its type.

Guidelines for Dioramas

  • All the general guidelines earlier in this document apply to Dioramas, except where noted.
  • Project Description: This type of project includes boxes or a base that have scenes in or on them.
    1. Size: The size of the diorama should not exceed 16 x 16 x 16 inches. Smaller projects are acceptable.
    2. Presentation: The diorama must be self-supporting. The base or box used to display the diorama must be sturdy.
    3. Originality: (See general guidelines about originality.)
    4. Identification: One 3×5 index card must accompany the project. (See general guidelines about identification.)
    5. Materials: The diorama can be made out of any materials (e.g. clay, felt, plastic objects, cardboard, etc.) As always, materials must be in good taste.
    6. Theme: The project must interpret, display, or depict the current LTCSW theme.

Guidelines for Mixed Media/Collage

  • All the general guidelines earlier in this document apply to Mixed Media / Collage, except where noted.
  • Project Description
    1. Size: The project, including frame, must be no larger than 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are acceptable. (Note that frames are often advertised with the inside dimension. A frame advertised as 16 x 20 inches may actually have an outside dimension that is larger, and therefore too large for this event.)
    2. Presentation: Project must be framed or matted. It must be self-supporting by an easel, frame, stand, or other means.
    3. Originality: The project must be the student’s original artwork. (See general guidelines about originality and computer-generated elements.) Designs must be created by the student.
    4. Identification: One 3×5 index card must accompany the project. (See general guidelines about identification.)
    5. Theme: The project must interpret, display, or depict the current LTCSW theme.
    6. Materials: Collages must be two-dimensional surfaces, boards, paper, etc. Combinations are not limited. (Note: An oil painting with an under drawing in pencil is not mixed media. Suggestion: string, magazine cutouts, cardboard, glue, foam core, paint, buttons, cross-stitch fabric applications, etc., anything can be attached!)

Guidelines for Sewing (does not include quilts/afghans)

  • All the general guidelines earlier in this document apply to Sewing, except where noted.
  • Project Description: This category is for all projects that having sewing or stitching in them. Examples include latch hook, cross-stitch, pillows, and crochet.
    1. Size: Sewing projects (except quilts/afghans), including frame, must be no larger than 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are acceptable. (Note that frames are often advertised with the inside dimension. A frame advertised as 16×20 inches may actually have an outside dimension that is larger, and therefore too large for this event.)
    2. Presentation: Project should be framed or matted, if appropriate. In all cases, it must be self-supporting by an easel, frame, stand, or other means.
    3. Originality: The project must be the student’s original artwork. (See general guidelines about originality and computer-generated elements.) No kits or patterns may be used. Designs must be created by the student.
    4. Identification: One 3×5 index card must accompany the project. (See general guidelines about identification.)
    5. Theme: The project must interpret, display, or depict the current LTCSW theme.

Guidelines for Quilts & Afghans

  • All the general guidelines earlier in this document apply to Quilts & Afghans, except where noted.
  • Teams of up to 6 participants may work together to create a quilt or afghan.
  • Project Description: This category is for large-scale sewing & knitting projects, such as quilts and Afghans.
    1. Size: Quilts or Afghans must be no larger than 116 x 116 inches (king size). Other typical sizes are 36 x 44 inches (crib), 75 x 87 inches (twin), 87 x 111 inches (queen), though exact dimensions may vary. In addition to the quilt, students are recommended to bring a framed photograph to convention (no larger than 16 x 20 inches, including frame) of the entire quilt/afghan. The actual quilt/afghan will be evaluated. The framed photograph is recommended to avoid having convention observers from handling the quilt/afghan project excessively.
    2. Presentation: LTC will provide a display area for quilts/afghans, which may require the project be neatly folded. This display area will also be used for the framed photographs of each project (mentioned in “size” section above). Quilts/afghans will be unfolded and handled gently during evaluation. (Judges will not penalize quilts/afghans that are slightly wrinkled due to being folded for display.)
    3. Originality: The project must be the student’s original artwork. (See general guidelines about originality and computer-generated elements.) No kits or patterns may be used. Designs must be created by the student.
    4. Identification: One 3×5 index card must accompany the project. (See general guidelines about identification.)
    5. Theme: The project must interpret, display, or depict the current LTCSW theme.


Judging Criteria:

Each Christian Art – Alternative entry will be evaluated by three judges, with two of these evaluations occurring at the LTCSW Convention and one evaluation from a person from the participant’s home congregation.

  • Each Judge will use the following criteria for determining the number of points to award each entry.
    1. (5 Points) Identification: Two index cards with required information should be attached to the art project.
    2. (5 Points) Size: Is the size in accordance with the guidelines given for the project? (A deduction of 5 points will be given to over-sized projects.)
    3. (20 Points) Creativity: Is it original and eye-catching? Is there a variety or interesting use of materials and/or textures?
    4. (20 Points) Craftsmanship: Is it beautiful? Does the artist show patient work? Is it neat and orderly? Has exceptional skill with media been shown? Is the text well-proportioned? Is it wrinkle free?
    5. (15 Points) Presentation: How is the work supported? Does the frame enhance the entry or detract from it?
    6. (20 Points) Theme: Is the current LTCSW theme clearly and easily depicted through the entry itself?
    7. (15 Points) Design: Is the design original? Is there a good use of space? Is it free of clutter? Is there good contrast? Is there a good blending of color, textures, and materials?
  • Awards will be given according to this scale:
    1. Gold = 95 to 100 Points
    2. Silver = 85 to 94 Points
    3. Bronze = 75 to 84 Points
    4. Participant = Less than 75 Points
  • An award rating will be assigned based on the point average among the three judges.
  • Each participant must supply one completed judging form with their entry, with their work being evaluated by an adult from their congregation.
  • The Event Director reserves the discretion to assign the final award.


Submission Protocol:

Completed Christian Art – Alternative projects will be displayed and evaluated at the LTCSW Convention. Submission must follow this protocol.

  • All Christian Art – Alternative entries must be delivered to the Event Director at the Marriott Starr Pass convention area between 12:00 p.m. Noon and 5:00 p.m. on Friday of convention.
  • Each piece of artwork must have proper identification, which includes:
    1. One 3×5 index card attached to the back of the entry (the bottom of sculpture entries).
    2. The card must have this information printed on it: title of the book, participants’ names, LTCSW team number, grade level of the team, and name of the congregation.
    3. The card must also have the artistic category (sculpture, photography, painting & drawing, or design) printed on it.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by one completed judge’s form.
  • All artwork must be picked up after the closing ceremony on Saturday of convention.