LTCSW Events

Leadership Training for Christ consists of a number of events that give youth participants the opportunity to learn and grow in many disciplines of ministry and service. Events are characterized as Pre-Convention Events or Convention Events.

  • Pre-Convention Events are activities that are conducted throughout the year by the individuals or teams in their local churches and completed and evaluated before the annual LTCSW convention.
  • Convention Events are activities that are prepared for throughout the year by individuals or teams in their local churches, but are demonstrated and evaluated publicly at the the annual LTCSW convention.

This page provides the listings of the events associated with both Pre-Convention Events and Convention Events. Click on a hyperlink naming the event for access to the guidelines that govern participation in the event.

Links to the necessary forms used for the registration and documentation of completed events can be found listed on the event pages. These forms include the pre-convention events cover sheet, award certification forms, judging forms, the special needs or concern form, and more. The guidelines will also name event directors and links to contact them.

Specific questions about event rules and forms should be directed to the event directors. General questions about event rules and forms can be directed to Jeff Foster.

Judging for Events

One of the primary purposes of the Leadership Training for Christ program is to provide a platform for young people to be evaluated in their growth in Christian service and leadership. One way this aim is accomplished is through the judging of the various events and the participants engaged in these activities. Most of the LTCSW events, whether they be classified as non-convention events or convention events, are judged by adults who volunteer to serve in that capacity. With at least 36 different events being held annually and approximately 400 youth registered in these events, LTCSW has literally hundreds of judging positions to be filled, especially for events held at the convention.

Two of the general rules for churches who are a part of LTCSW involve judging.

  1. Churches must provide at least one judge for each event in which they have at least one youth participant registered.
  2. Churches must submit one completed judge’s form with every submission of an art project, bulletin board, worship banner, greeting cards project, and scrap book.

It is extremely helpful for church coordinators to recruit judges, who can attend the convention, early in the LTCSW registration process. The registration system has a function where judges can be registered.

Each of the event rules pages has a section on judging criteria (for the events that are judged). The judge’s forms are also accessible from the event pages.

Judges are also needed for pre-convention events. To assist with this need, please contact the event directors directly.

Special Needs & LTCSW

LTCSW values each child and youth who want to be involved in growing in the areas of Christian service and leadership. We desire to be sensitive to needs and challenges that may be faced by our participants.

Church coordinators are encouraged to submit a Special Needs or Concerns Form for participants that may face certain challenges as they engage in certain activities. A link to this form is included in the masthead on each event rules page.

LTCSW Special Needs Form

Pre-Convention Events

(Right-click on the link to open the rules in a new window.)

General Guidelines for Pre-Convention Events

Submission of Pre-Convention Events:

Submission protocols are listed in the event rules. Large file submissions (video files, audio files, and graphics that are larger that allowed by email transmission) may be submitted using our MASV portal. Church coordinators, click the link and add your file(s) to be transmitted (label your “package” before sending). Email the event director to inform them that the file(s) have been sent. Event directors, you will need to register as a “member” to our LTCSW MASV account. From the portal, select “install now.”

Convention Events

(Right-click on the link to open the rules in a new window.)

General Guidelines for Convention Events