Event Director: Beth Dennison
Purpose: The Worship Banner event is designed to encourage young people to lead in creative expressions of a corporate worship theme in visual form.
Process: A team of participants will create a banner illustrating and communicating the current LTCSW theme and that is suitable for display in a church auditorium or worship space. The banner will be displayed and evaluated at the LTCSW convention by judges. The event director will coordinate the event sessions, coordinate judging, and assign awards.
Forms & Links: (right click to open form in a new window) Judge’s Form – Worship Banner | Special Needs or Concerns Form
Worship Banner Rules
Guidelines for Participating in Worship Banner:
A team of from two to six participants will create a banner illustrating and communicating the current LTCSW theme and that is suitable for display in a church auditorium or worship space.
- Size: The maximum size of the banner shall be no more than 45 inches by 72 inches, not counting the hanging rope. Smaller sizes are permissible.
- Display: The banner must be self-supporting by hanging.
- A dowel rod or straight curtain rod must be placed in a top sleeve and a rope attached to both ends of the rod for hanging. Do not use a collapsible, two-piece curtain rod.
- The rope must attach to the rod in a way that will ensure it will not slide from the ends of the rod when the worship banner hangs. The rope must be as short as possible to allow the worship banner to hang as high as possible.
- The worship banner must hang flat against the wall and be one sided. The display can be flat on fabric or 3 dimensional on top of fabric, but still only viewed from the front (nothing which would hang from the ceiling in the middle of the room and be viewed from all sides).
- The theme must be completed in one banner, not a series.
- Grade Categories: Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; and Grades 9-12 grades. This is a team event. A participant can only be a member of one team. A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 participants per team are allowed.
- Identification: Two 3 x 5 index cards, each containing the congregation number, team number and grade category must be attached to the back of the worship banner. The congregation number can be found in your congregation’s registration packet.
- Materials: Worship Banners must not contain any materials that require the use of electricity or battery power. The base of the banner must be of some type of fabric. The graphic images and words on the banner may be of paint or other material that can be read from at least 20 feet away. There is to be no paper on the Worship Banner.
- SPECIAL NOTE: Worship Banners may be presented in a foreign language as long as an English translation accompanies the display on a 3 x 5 index card.
- Adult assistance should be limited to that of advice, coaching, and supervision.
- The banner should make a clear point to the worshiping community and develop visually the current year’s LTCSW theme. Remember! The worship banner is to help promote worship, and not to just state the theme of LTCSW.
- Churches are asked to provide one judge for every two entries. Also, one completed judge’s form must be presented when the banner is registered at the convention.
Judging Criteria:
Worship Banner entries will be evaluated by three judges.
- The judging criteria for Worship Banner includes:
- (20 Points) How well does the worship banner depict the current LTC Theme through TEXT?
- (20 Points) How well does the worship banner depict the current LTC Theme through VISUALS?
- (10 Points) How well does the worship banner show creativity in the display of TEXT?
- (10 Points) How well does the worship banner show creativity in the display of VISUALS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the worship banner for VISUAL NEATNESS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the worship banner for use of TEXTURE AND ATTRACTIVE MATERIALS?
- (5 Points) How aesthetically pleasing is the worship banner for use and BLENDING OF COLOR?
- (10 Points) Is the quality of workmanship age/grade appropriate?
- (15 Points) What is the overall impact of the banner?
- Appropriately, PENALTIES will be assessed:
- (-5 Points) exceeds proper size
- (-5 Points) failure to provide proper identification on back (3×5 card)
- (-5 Points) uses batteries or electricity
- (-5 Points) not able to be hung
- Penalty points may be assessed for failure to adhere to size, identification, display method, and material restrictions.
- Each participant must supply one completed judging form with their entry, with their work being evaluated by an adult from their congregation.
- An award rating will be assigned based on the point average among the three judges.
- As a general rule, awards will be assigned accordingly: GOLD, 95-100 points; SILVER, 85-94 points; BRONZE, 70-84 points; and NO AWARD, 0-69 points.
- The event director reserves the discretion to assign the final award.
Submission Protocol:
Completed Worship Banner projects will be displayed and evaluated at the LTCSW Convention. Submission must follow this protocol.
- All Worship Banner entries must be delivered to the Event Director at the Marriott Starr Pass convention area between 12:00 p.m. Noon and 5:00 p.m. on Friday of convention.
- Each submission must be accompanied by a team form (goldenrod sheet given in the congregation box at registration) and one completed judge’s form.
- Each Worship Banner must have one 3X5 index card attached to the back of the banner, containing the following information: participant’s name, LTCSW identification number, grade, name of the congregation.
- All Worship Banners must be picked up after the closing ceremony on Saturday of convention.